1999 James A. Fowler
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I. Biblical statements
Ps. 16:7 - "I will bless the
Lord who has counseled me"
Ps. 73:24 - "With Thy counsel Thou
wilt guide me"
Prov. 11:14; 24:6 - "in abundance
of counselors there is victory"
Prov. 12:15 - "a wise man is he
who listens to counsel"
Prov. 19:20,21 - "listen to counsel
and accept discipline...The counsel of the Lord, it will stand"
Isa. 9:6 - "His name will be called
wonderful Counselor..."
John 14:16 - "I will ask the Father,
and He will give you another Helper"
NIV - "Counselor". Greek word paraklesis - "to
come alongside to encourage")
John 14:26 - "the Helper, the Holy
Spirit, will teach you all things"
John 15:26 - "When the Helper comes,
He will bear witness of Me"
John 16:7 - "the Helper,...I will
send Him to you"
Rom. 12:8 - "he who exhorts, in
His exhortation"
Rom. 15:4 - "through the encouragement
of the Scriptures, we might have hope"
Rom. 15:14 - "able also to admonish
one another"
II Cor. 1:4 - "able to comfort those
who are in any affliction"
Gal. 6:1 - "you who are spiritual,
restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness"
Col. 1:28 - "admonishing every man
and teaching every man with all wisdom, that we might
present every
man complete in Christ"
I Thess. 5:11 - "encourage one another,
and build up one another"
I Thess. 5:14 - "admonish the unruly,
encourage the fainthearted..."
Heb. 3:13 - "encourage one another
day after day"
Heb. 10:25 - "encouraging one another"
II. Historical background leading up to modern counseling
A. Development of psychology as academic
field of study
1. Sigmund
Freud (1856-1939)
2. Carl
Jung (1875-1961)
3. First
degree program in psychology. 1870 in Germany.
4. Carl
Rogers - On Becoming a Person - 1961.
B. Early integration of psychology in
the church.
1. Franz
Delitzsch - System of Biblical Psychology - 1869
2. Liberal
acceptance of psychological premises. Harry Fosdick.
3. Wayne
Oates - 1950s - Protestant Pastoral Counseling
Paul Tournier - The Meaning of Persons -
5. Henry
Brandt - The Struggle for Peace - 1965
6. Raymond
Cramer -The Psychology of Jesus and Mental Health - 1959.
7. Oswald
Chambers - Biblical Psychology - 1962.
8. Howard
Clinebell - Basic Types of Pastoral Counseling - 1966.
9. Frank
Lake - Clinical Theology - 1966.
C. Evangelical Christian counseling movement.
1. Clyde
and Bruce Narramore - The Psychology of Counseling
Gary Collins - Psychology and Theology - 1981 (Trinity)
3. H. Norman
Wright - Marital Counseling (Talbot)
4. Jay
Adams - Competent to Counsel. "Nouthetic counseling"
(Westminster) Also Wayne
David Powlison
5. James
Dobson - Dare to Discipline. (Focus on Family)
6. Charles
Solomon - Counseling with the Mind of Christ. "Spirituotherapy."
Also Bill
7. Larry
Crabb - Principles of Biblical Counseling. (Grace) Institute
of Biblical Counseling.
8. Frank
Minirth, Paul Meier - Happiness is a Choice. (Dallas)
Also John Townsend, Robert
Henry Cloud, Richard Fowler.
9. Robert
McGee, Pat Springle - The Search For Significance. Rapha.
10. Stephen Arterburn
- Growing Up Addicted. New Life Treatment Centers. Also
Jack Felton, Tim Timmons.
11. William Backus
- Telling the Truth to Troubled People. Lutheran.
12. Neil Anderson
- The Bondage Breaker. (Talbot)
13. Others: Lewis
Smedes, Archibald Hart, Donald Sloat, Gary Smalley, Charles Swindoll,
Mallory, Maurice Wagner, Bill Gothard, Rich Buhler, Tim LaHaye,
Florence Littauer,
III. Concerns about counseling movement.
A. Humanistic premises of secular
psychology. Must avoid over-reaction of aversion to
B. Eclecticism, integration, adaptation
of theology and psychology. Jumping on band-wagon of
12 step, victimization,
codependency, etc.
C. Professionalizing of Christian counseling.
Mercenary motives?
D. Counsel of men rather than God?
E. Critical voices
1. Martin
& Diedre Bobgan - Psychoheresy. Against Biblical Counseling;
For the Bible.
William K. Kilpatrick - Psychological Seduction.
3. Paul
Vitz - Psychology as Religion.
Thomas Szasz - The Myth of Psychotherapy.
Clinton McLemore - The Scandal of Psychotherapy.
IV. Consideration of Christian counsel.
A. Spirit of Christ is the Counselor
- Isa. 9:6; John 14:16,26.
B. Scriptural basis of determining God's
will and ways. II Tim. 3:16.
C. Sin is the basis of human problems.
Rom. 3:23.
D. All persons affected by past patterning
of sin - "flesh" - Gal. 5:17.
E. Human behavior is derivative in spirit,
soul and body - I Thess. 5:23.
F. Christians are enabled to behave differently
by dependence upon Jesus Christ - Col. 1:27.
G. Christians should encourage one another
to love, fellowship, growth, holiness, prayer, etc. -
Heb. 10:25.
H. Christian counsel can serve evangelistic
purpose - Matt. 28:19,20.