1999 James A. Fowler
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I. Introduction.
A. "Charismatic Movement" is a label
applied to a particular phenomena of religious activity in the
20th century.
B. The word "charismatic" is derived
from the Greek word charismata, which comes from charis,
grace. Charismata are grace gifts.
C. Charismata used in reference to spiritual
gifts in New Testament.
1. Rom. 12:6
- "we have gifts that differ according to grace given"
2. I Cor. 12:4
- "varieties of gifts" (cf. 12:9,28,30)
3. I Cor. 12:31
- "earnestly desire the greater gifts"
D. Another label used for "charismatic
movement" is "neo-Pentecostalism"
II. History of modern Pentecostal and Charismatic phenomenalism.
A. British background.
1. Edward Irving (Scottish
Presbyterian) - 1828. Promoted use of tongues. Emphasized
Dismissed by Church of Scotland. Started Catholic Apostolic Church
2. Mary Campbell -
1830. Irvingite. Spoke in tongues.
3. Margaret MacDonald
- 1831 - Spoke in tongues. Vision of secret rapture.
B. Pentecostalism in the United States.
1. Revivalism throughout
U.S. in late 19th century. Much of this had Wesleyan emphasis
combined with emotional response, and emphasis on 2nd work of
2. Richard Spurling
(Baptist). Tennessee. Pentecostal Church of God - 1886.
3. A.J. Gordon - 1870-1895.
Emphasis on physical healing.
4. A.B. Simpson - Missionary
Alliance Church. 1887. Healing.
5. Charles Parham.
Holiness preacher. Topeka, KS. Bethel Bible School. 1901. Often
of Pentecostalism."
6. William J. Seymour.
Black holiness preacher. Azusa St. Mission, Los Angeles, CA.
7. Assemblies of God
Church, Springfield, Missouri, 1914.
8. Aimee Semple McPherson
(A.G.). Angeles Temple, Los Angeles, CA. 1923. International
of the Foursquare Gospel.
C. Charismatic Movement.
1. Dennis Bennett.
(Episcopalian). Van Nuys, CA. 1960. Seattle,WA 1968. Often called
Charismatic Movement."
2. Oral Roberts (Pentecostal
Holiness). Healing crusades - 1947. Oral Roberts Univ. 1965.
Methodist Church - 1968.
3. Demos Shakarian
(Armenian) and Oral Roberts start Full Gospel Businessmen's Fellowship
in Los Angeles. 1951.
4. Melodyland Christian
Center, Anaheim, CA 1960. Ralph Wilkerson (A.G.)
5. Blessed Trinity
Society - 1961. Jean Stone.
6. David du Plessis
(South Africa) A.G. Called "Mr. Pentecost."
7. Chuck Smith. Calvary
Chapel, Costa Mesa, CA. 1963.
8. Jesus Movement -
9. Roman Catholic Renewal
Movement. 1967.
10. Christian Growth Ministries
(FL) - Don Basham, Derek Prince, Bob Mumford.
11. Kathryn Kuhlman (Baptist)
12. Merlin Carothers, Charles
and Francis Hunter
13. David Wilkerson - Cross
and the Switchblade.
14. Celebrities: Pat
Boone, Maria von Trapp
15. Televangelism: Jim Bakker,
Jimmy Swaggart, Pat Robertson
16. Vineyard Christian Fellowship.
John Wimber. 1977. Anaheim, CA Signs and Wonders
Kansas City Prophets.
17. Word of Faith Movement.
E.W. Kenyon, Hobart Freeman, T.L. Osborn, A.A. Allen
Kenneth Hagin (Baptist, AG), Rhema Bible Training Center, Tulsa,
Kenneth and Gloria Copeland
Fred Price. Los Angeles
Robert Tilton, Charles Capps
Benny Hinn - Orlando Christian Center
III. Characteristics observed in the movement.
A. Spiritual gifts. Speaking in tongues,
healings, prophecy.
B. Emphasis on Holy Spirit. Freedom of
the Spirit. Reaction to rigid proceduralism. Some
Holy Spirit. Trinitarian deficiency. Some say must speak in tongues
having Holy Spirit.
C. Extra-Biblical revelation. "Word
of God" for you. Prophecy.
D. Emotionalism, subjectivism. Reaction
to staid formalism.
E. Relational. Communal togetherness.
Involvement, fellowship, loving.
F. Emphasis on experience over orthodoxy.
Reaction to rationalism, liberalism,
Theologically weak.
G. Supernaturalism. Dynamic of divine
activity. Reaction to humanism, naturalism. Spectacular.
"Slain in Spirit." (Matt. 12:39).
H. Spontaneous expression. Enthusiasm,
excitement. Reaction to ritualism. Worship experience -
hands, clapping, swaying, shouting ("Holy Rollers").
(I Cor. 14:40).
I. Contemporaity. Relevance to culture.
Worldliness? Immorality?
J. Gnostic tendencies - Spiritual pride,
elitist, arrogant, judgmental.
K. Spiritual warfare. Recognition of
Satanic activity. Demonology. Exorcism. Reaction to
denial of the devil.
L. Emphasis on evangelism. Recruitment
of others. Power-evangelism. Greatest impetus of
expansion in history?
M. Second work of grace. "Baptism
in the Spirit" subsequent to regeneration.
N. Christian unity. Breaking down denominational
barriers. Anti- institutionalism. Disruptive,
O. Positive Confession. "Name it
and Claim it." Man as God.
P. Prosperity doctrine. "Health
and Wealth" teaching. Faith in faith.
IV. Response to Charismatic Movement.
A. Avoid judgmentalism. (Matt. 7:1).
B. If God is in it, can't stop it. (Acts
C. Love as Christian brethren. (I Cor.
13; Eph. 4:2)
D. Tolerate differences? ...extremes?
E. Pray for theological balance. Christocentric
V. Illustration.
